Las Comadres 2021 Connections

We’re rolling in 2021 and continuing to bring Comadres together. Contact us to join in one of our many virtual activities and discover the joy of connecting with other Latinas around the US and the world.

DAILY, 8:30pm EST–  Meditation Chant


Every evening at 8:30pm EST, Comadre Nydia Marsella lead us into a Meditation Chant.  Comadres and Friends welcomed.

THURSDAYS  7:30pm EST– Comadres Crochet Club

We are having so much fun! Comadre Jacqueline Lugo has started a Crochet Club for all.  No experience needed.  All you need is a ball of yarn and a crochet needle.  

 Here is the zoom link for Thursday night:

FRIDAYS, 9:15 am EST– Chair Yoga

Comadre Jeannie Diaz gives an early morning Chair Yoga class.  All you need is a sturdy chair, small towel and bottle of water. 

If you are interested in attending, please email Jeannie to confirm at:  

Register here  


FRIDAYS, 6:00 – 7:30 pm Happy Hour & Play Nights

Join Comadre Maria Ferrer as she hosts a Happy Hour that lets comadres share a little fun today as we start the weekend. BYOBeverage and share a little time. Some nights we play various virtual games like: virtual Bingo, Name that movie, and just spend time catching up and sharing laves.


Have an idea for a Comadre Get-together? Let us know.