

Click here to add a Testimonial–use the handy form to email us about your experience(s) with Las Comadres that you want to share with others. We would love to hear from you.

From Denise Martinez, Texas:

Thanks to Las Comadres for sending me an email regarding job opportunites with the US Census in 2010. From that one email my husband was able to get hired as Regional Administrator and now has a permant job with the Department of Commerce, US Census. He has been able to travel to New Orleans, Las Angeles and Denver. Thanks Las Comadres for helping this family succeed.

From Maria Jose Peñaherrera, New York, New York:

Las Comadres was the first meeting that I attended to since I emigrated from my native country: Ecuador. The affection, smiles and good energy that I experienced at every encounter will remain in my heart forever. This group has blessed me with two wonderful friends and many, many extraordinary moments. Con todo el cariño de su Comadre…Maria Jose Peñaherrera, Nueva York

From Yvette Armani, Austin, Texas:

In September of 2004, I came down with viral menengitis & almost died. I had brain swelling, optical neuritis (legally blind for a while), and couldn’t urinate. When I left the hospital I was a temporary Type 1 Diabetic from the steroid IV treatment to relieve the brain swelling. I had to use a walker and doctors feared I’d end up in a wheel chair. My husband had used up all his vacation time to care for me and we needed help. Thanks to the Comadres, I was able to post my schedule and Comadres signed up to take me to my appointments. Without Las Comadres, I don’t know what we would have done! Remember that when you need help, don’t be afraid to ask. We are all here for each other and we are NEVER alone!

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