Dear Comadres,
Mark your calendars for Saturday, April 29, 2023 for our:
Worldwide Comadrazo
Hear Us. See Us. Join Us.
Worldwide Comadrazo ’23 will be a hybrid – a mix of zoom and live fiestas.
We will start on zoom for the Welcome, Keynote Speaker and NORA Awards ceremony. There will be raffle prizes and a Comadres song sing-along. Then we will invite the Comadres Networks nationwide to speak on how they are celebrating “Sisterhood and Community.” (NOTE! Comadres who are not near networks but would like to host a #WWC23 Fiesta for their local Comadres are welcomed to also speak.)
NORA AWARDS! Once again, Comadres will be asked to nominate their Comadres for the Comadre of the Year and Comadre Community Service awards. Nominations will be gathered in January 2023.
ARTWORK CONTEST! We invite Comadre artists to create logo art for consideration to use on the program and promotional materials. You will need to incorporate the Five Comadres on our logo and the name and theme of the WWC23. Winner will receive a monetary prize. Contest will open in September 2022.
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! We need volunteers to help with the awards, raffle, sponsorships, donors, awards and zoom operators. Every little bit helps.
We’ll update everyone on further news next month. Until then, stay connected to Your Comadres.
Maria & Nora
Maria C. Ferrer, Director of Programs
Nora de Hoyos Comstock, National/International Founder
Las Comadres Para Las Americas
Facebook: @LasComadresParaLasAmericas
HASHTAGS: #LasComadres, #WWC23, #SisterhoodandCommunity, #NORAawards, #MyComadres