Dora M. Abreu 

Dora M. Abreu 
Social Media Coordinator

Dora joined Las Comadres Para Las Americas and has been adding value since the beginning. She is an avid technology and education professional with progressive work experience in IT support and as a software engineer / developer but also in career / professional and personal skills. She has helped youth of all ages and the community at large through mentoring, coaching and providing a variety of programs and workshops on internship preparation, leadership / professional development as well technical classes for those within and outside the STEM field. By being part of the John C. Maxwell Team she has been able to build on these skills and a wider audience in Leadership and communication training. She enjoys music, dance, sports, photography and poetry. Dora is one of the New York City Comadres Book Club Facilitators.

Dora is pleased to volunteer as the Social Media Coordinator for the national Las Comadres Book Club. For the past few years, she has volunteered at the ALA Conferences, and judged in the Latino Literacy Now’s International Latino Book Awards. She lives in New York, where she works in IT Support.

Click here to email her.

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