Nora Award Finalists 2023


The Nora Awards, named in honor of our National / International Founder Dr. Nora de Hoyos Comstock, recognize Comadres who exemplify the virtues of loyalty, generosity, community, sisterhood and kindness. 

The Finalists were nominated by their fellow Comadres.

The Comadre of the Year award goes to a Comadre who has helped other Comadres.  The Finalists are:

Gladys Ayala Borjas (NY)
Gloria Chavez Casas (TX)
Dr. Dorinda Moreno (CA)
Yolanda Nava (CA)


The Comadre Community Service award goes to a Comadre who has helped her community.  The Finalists are:

Ysabella Hincapie-Gara (NY)
Venus Piňeyro (TX)
Darlene Tenes (TX)
Judith Torrea (Mexico)


The Friend of Las Comadres award goes to a company that continually supports Las Comadres Para Las Americas. This winner will be chosen by the Board of Directors.

Congratulations to all the Finalists.  

Winners will be announced at the Worldwide Comadrazo on Saturday, April 29.