Maria C. Ferrer

Maria C. Ferrer is the Executive Director for Las Comadres Para Las Americas and Las Comadres & Friends National Latino Book Club.

Maria’s goal is to connect Comadres from around the world through a monthly speaker series, quarterly newsletter, an upcoming outreach program and the new virtual Worldwide Comadrazo in Celebration of Las Comadres’ 21st Anniversary.  As Director of Las Comadres & Friends Book Club, Maria’s goal is to grow the membership and continue to promote Latino authors through our monthly LIVE! Teleconferences, book discussions and social media outlets.

Maria joined Las Comadres Para Las Americas in 2006, and immediately felt at home. She is thankful to have found a group of strong, like-minded Latinas who come together in sisterhood and friendship.  Maria has volunteered at the Las Comadres Writers Conferences and judged in the Latino Literacy Now’s International Latino Book Awards.

She lives in New York City, where she works as a meeting planner, enjoys writing romances and is learning to crochet.