Questions & Answers

LIVE! Worldwide Comadrazo 2025
Celebrating Las Comadres 25th Anniversary
April 25-27 (Fri-Sun)
Austin, Texas


Q:  Where and when are the 2025 Worldwide Comadrazo and 25 Anniversary Celebration?
A:  The dates for the WWC are April 25-27, 2025 (Fri- Sun) in Austin, Texas.

Q:  What is the theme of this year’s Worldwide Comadrazo?
A:   Comadres Lead the Way.   There will be breakout discussions on leadership skills, life-work balance and the creative spirit.  Join us.

Q:  What is the fee for the Worldwide Comadrazo?
A: The registration fee is $125 per person starting on March 1, 2025.

Here is the link to Register: 

Here is the link for payment:

Q:  Is there an agenda?
A:  Here is a preliminary agenda
       April 25 (Fri) – Welcome Reception
       April 26 (Sat) – Worldwide Comadrazo, 25th Anniversary Celebration & Nora Awards
      April 27 (Sun) – Farewell Breakfast

Q:  Who is the Keynote Speaker?
A:   This year’s Keynote Speaker is Comadre Lourdes J. Rodríguez, DrPH, the Chief Executive Officer of the David Rockefeller Fund.

Q:  Are nominations open for the Nora Awards?
A:  Yes, the Nora Awards nominations are open.  Deadline is Friday, March 31, 2025.
Nominate a Comadre or two or three today!  Nomination form and guidelines are here:

The Nora Awards are named in honor of our National / International Founder Dr. Nora de Hoyos Comstock.  The Awards recognize active Comadres who exemplify the virtues of Sisterhood, Loyalty, Generosity and Kindness.  

We are looking for nominations for Comadre of the Year — this is a Comadre who’s helped another Comadre(s) one on one.

We are looking for nominations for Comadre Community Service — this is a Comadre who helps her community.  For this award, Comadres can self-nominate.

Q:  Is it true that I can stay for free with a local Austin Comadre?
A:  Yes.  Out-of-town Comadres can stay for free with a local Comadre.  This free housing can be a spot on the couch or a private bedroom.

Home Hosting REQUEST Form:

Q:  If I am traveling with another Comadre or two, can we stay together?

A:  Yes, Comadres traveling together can ask to be placed together with a local Comadre.  We will do our best to accommodate where possible.

Home Hosting REQUEST Form:

Q:  I’m an Austin Comadre.  How can I host an out-of-town Comadre at my home?
A:   We welcome local Comadres who can host.  Please complete this form.

Home HOST Registration Form:

Q:  I am a Comadre Vendor.  Can I sell my wares at the WWC?
A:   Yes, vendors are welcomed.  Table fee is $50/table.  All vendors must submit application.  Once vetted and approved, vendor will receive payment link, and once payment is made the Vendor will be confirmed.  Vendors are not allowed to attend the Worldwide Comadrazo unless they are registered for the comadrazo.  Vendors are invited to attend the Nora Awards at the end of the day.   

Vendor Application Form here:

Q:  What shall I wear?  Is there a dress code?
A:   This is a 25th Anniversary Celebration and the metal is silver.  Think silver tiaras and silver sneakers or sandals.  Dress is casual and comfortable.  The weather for late March in Austin ranges from 56 to 75 degrees.   

Q:  What are the Community and Book Swap Tables?

A:  The Community Table is for ALL Comadres who wish to promote their business / books/ services/ et al.  You can ship / bring 150+ flyers or items for this table to Austin.  All WWC attendees will fill up their conference tote bags from this table.   

We are having a Book Swap Table as well.  Bring a book. Take a book.  We want to share our love of Latino Lit with you.  Comadre Authors are encouraged to bring a copy of their book(s) for this table.  

NOTE:  These are NOT vendor tables.  There will be no returns.  All leftover flyers and items will be trashed or donated to local libraries/ charities.

Q:  When was the last Worldwide Comadrazo?
A:   Worldwide Comadrazos are held every two years in-person in Austin, Texas.  Unfortunately, during the pandemic years Las Comadres could not meet in-person so the Worldwide Comadrazos for 2021 and 2023 were live streamed via zoom.

Q:   Who are the sponsors for the Worldwide Comadrazo & 25 Anniversary Celebration?
A:   Our Sponsors:


David Rockefeller Fund
Austin Community College


St. David’s Foundation
Soul Matters – Visionary Trademark Law™


Rudy Ruiz
Austin Community Foundation`


Cancer Tamer Foundation
Jeannie Diaz Yoga
Lola’s Cocina

Las Comadres Para Las Americas looks forward to welcoming YOU to Austin.  Safe travels!