Celebrate YOUR Accomplishments


Las Comadres wants to celebrate YOUR accomplishments  — a new job, a promotion, a graduation, a work anniversary. We’d love to know if you ran in a marathon, published a book, raised money for a local shelter, were elected to public office, etc etc.

Please register Your accomplishment here:   https://forms.gle/Y9EZUbFZ2CtymYvT6

Las Comadres celebrates its members’ accomplishments every month. These listings are for congratulatory purposes only. We are not endorsing any products, services or candidates for public office.  

DEADLINE to be included in next month’s announcement is July 30.To view last month’s accomplishments, visit here:    https://comadresconnect.blogspot.com/2023/06/las-comadres-celebrates-its-members.html

Thank you in advance for sharing.

Maria C. Ferrer
Executive Director
Las Comadres Para Las Americas 

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