MarketPlace Listing

Las Comadres MarketPlace Listing

Great News! Below is a list of businesses owned by OUR Comadres & Sponsors. Check out the services and merchandise they have to share; from clothing & accessories, to dance, film making, delicious cooking tips, and more. Best of all, you may know many of the comadres. Click on the link for the specific merchandise or service you seek below. And be sure to check out the videos below as the Comadres share a little about themselves and their business.


Arts & Crafts


Las Comadres Merchandise/Mercado

Literature & Writing

Nutrition & Food


Services — General



Other & Miscellaneous


Click here to join our Marketplace Listing (or copy/paste this link:
All Comadre businesses welcomed whether it’s yoga instruction, cooking classes, retail, finance, eateries, arts and crafts, services, etc.

Email us at if you have any questions.

Thank you for your support of Las Comadres Para Las Americas.